Monday, June 28, 2010


Bleh, this weekend has been bad in terms of spending time with lovely ladies. 2 girls flaked on me, and a SUPER flake, somehow finally got back in touch with me.

I have a great friend who I haven't seen in over a month. We used to get together every week and hang out, talk and enjoy each others' company. Over time we had strengthened our initial good chemistry into a great connection. But as always, life got in the way. She just recently got home from a trip, and promised that she'd let me know on Friday for sure if she'd be able to meet up and yeah... that didn't happen. Not even a text or e-mail. Zilch.

I have a new friend that I've been chatting with. It was a strange alignment of the planets, circumstances and luck that we ended up talking at first, and I've enjoyed getting glimpses and peeks at this wonderful girl's personality. Only thing is our schedules just haven't connected at all. First meeting we scheduled, but then the day before she tells me she had to leave town (No problem since she let me know before we were to meet). Next time, she was free, but I wasn't. This time, we set a tentative time, and then I hear from her 2 hours after she was supposed to let me know she was free, that something else had come up. Damn.

On the flip side, I had a potential Sugar Baby who was in a financial bind, and so I gave her an advance allowance. I trusted her as we had talked quite extensively, and I was doing my best to help her with some problems. Sad thing was that shortly after I gave her the advance, she completely disappeared, not responding to any calls, e-mails, texts, etc. I was seriously worried about her, hoping she wasn't hurt or worse and continued to regularly try and reach out to her for a while. Flash forward 3 months to this past weekend, and she gets back in touch with me. Yeah, if that doesn't qualify as a SUPER flake, I don't know what would. She's still in a bind, but things have changed with both of us, and it doesn't look like our original agreement will work anymore. I wonder how things with her will shake out....

Personally, I hate hate hate being flaked on. It's one of my biggest pet peeves. Being flaked means to me that we had an agreement to meet, or contact each other, and they did not do so. This usually includes a call, e-mail or text from me, with no response from them. To me, it means that you're either an extremely bad communicator, or they did not care to even bother and take 5 seconds to send me a text saying "I'm running ~x minutes late" or "Something has come up, I probably will [will not] be able to meet up. I'll let you know for sure by x time." The first is a red flag to me, as in any relationship, I strongly believe that good communication is key. The second is a sign of disrespect to me. Obviously neither one is good, and all the while, they are wasting my time and energy as I wonder what's going on.

Whatever... in good news, I'm hoping to get together with a new friend later this week. We've met once before, and really hit it off. Great conversations, lots of stuff in common, and she's just a really sweet and cool person. I'm hoping we can get together after my schedule frees up later in the week, and the present I ordered for her arrives. I'm thinking dinner, a movie, cuddling and just good old enjoying each others' company. There's definitely a lot of potential there, but we'll see how things go, I don't want to jinx anything....


  1. Its so fun reading from you POV...about flakes and such. I figured that most of the men who flake just aren't as serious about this type of relationship. It always makes me laugh when the ones from x months ago contact me and act like nothing has happened. You sound like a legit sugar daddy its nice to have you on the blog =]

    xx college

  2. and here i thought it was only men that turned super flakes :)

  3. Thanks ladies for the comments! I never really understood the thinking of flakes. I mean, obviously they're interested enough to want to set up a contact, why wouldn't they follow through? Do they someone think that it's better to NOT follow through, and that will somehow improve their chances in the future? It truly boggles my mind.

  4. Its amazing how careless people can be with you time, as a lady in this field of work, time is money! You know what I actually get amount 15-20 calls a day that turn into no shows/no calls. Complete waste of my time so i know where your coming from. I guess i never look at it from the man's point of view, but yeah i guess if both sides started treating this more as a business transaction (because that's what it is) things would be alot better. Because in a real business that shit wouldn't fly!

    My bunny is my little secret
