Thursday, July 1, 2010


Boom! Cumshot! Due to personal circumstances, I haven't had a chance to have fun sexy times lately. No masturbation, no oral, no sex, nada.

I kind of find it interesting to see how my body reacts to the lack of masturbation or sex. Obviously from the presence of this blog, I'm a pretty sexual person. Also, if you believe in astrology, I'm a Scorpio, so I'm supposed to be an intense lover. Finally, the fact that I'm younger does mean that my sex drive is pretty active and ready to go.

Typically, I prefer at least a full day (48 hours) between ejaculations. I tend to usually find my sex drive to be a bit lower during that day of rest, as well as my orgasms to be less intense if I do decide to cum during that time. Sure quickies and desire do encourage less rest, but I usually prefer longer, drawn out sexy fun times. It just makes things more enjoyable and fun. Obviously if repeated back to back days occur, then my sex drive dips lower and lower.

On the flip side, I tend to find myself getting antsy after a handful of days. If I have the time and opportunity, I'd take care of it. However if not, then it just kind of keeps nagging my consciousness. Probably around a week my sex drive tops off to full. After that point, if I end up spending some time with a lady, I'll probably work hard to earn my Scorpio reputation. :)

I remember some years ago there were some studies announced that masturbation helps reduce risk of cancer. It seems like now they're promoting "moderate amounts of masturbation". I just can't imagine being on the higher spectrum of guys, masturbating pretty much every day. I mean jeez, where do they find the time and desire to do that so consistently?

Ideally, I'd prefer to have sex twice a week. Enough time to enjoy the build up and anticipation for long drawn out sexual encounters, while not being so much that I get tired, or feel like it's too frequent and that my penis is going to fall off. What about you? How often do you prefer to have sex or masturbate?

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